Good Times & Events

On the Square


Ph: 210.435.jail(5245) or email @



A special place in history. 

A special place in time. 

A special place in the heart. 

Call us today to reserve your special time!

Dobie Dichos
DOBIE DICHOS is an annual event held on the first Friday in November. Noted Authors and Renowned Storytellers from all parts gather to tell stories under the stars inspired by local author J. Frank Dobie. 
To buy tickets or learn more go to

Plan your next memory with us~ 

Spend a Restful Weekend or

Start the Rest of your Life...

Having fun...your way!
More Dobie Dichos...
To learn more about Dobie Dichos go to
Make plans to come have some award-winning chili con carne and Dobie inspired storytelling!  Touted as one of "The Most Interesting Things to Do Around Texas..." in the New York Times.  Y'all Come!!